The Magic of Dwelling Within Goal Setting Results
Which of the following would you prefer to experience?
- Struggle to reach your goal.
- Permanently achieve your goal.
In this short article, I share with you one of the missing or neglected elements in goal setting process that is necessary for reaching goals permanently.
A superficial understanding of goal setting process prevents reaching goals.
A goal, by definition, is an experience we have not had. Once we have an experience, it moves from the category of goals to the category of results and achievements.
When we focus on a goal, we become like sailors chasing the ever-receding horizon on the ocean of life. Focusing on a goal that by definition is separate from us, we reinforce our separation from it; we push it away.
Goal setting steps create a bridge to achievement. Building and marinating that bridge to achievement requires mental focus, emotional content, planning, and actions. Again, the process of goal setting focuses on the struggle to reach a state of being, but it is not that state of being.
A deeper understanding of goal setting process and planning help us to become in harmony with the results.
Within effective goal setting, we spend some of our action time in dwelling on the results as if they have already happened.
Dwell by definition is to stay, live and continue in a state permanently.
Those who struggle with reaching goals and those who cannot sustain success after they reach goals have one thing in common. They have not spent the time to develop the skill to be in harmony with their goal. Even though, they may have put a lot of effort into reaching it.
Dwelling within a goal is a multisensory, step-by-step process using our divine creative imagination. This process is thousands of years old within spiritual and mystical teachings.
However, only recent discoveries within the field of neuroscience, the study of the human psyche, and quantum physics provide the keys to how this process works.